Horse Refuses to Give Birth: When the Vet Sees the Ultrasound He Calls the Authorities
For the Love of a Horse
Horse owners and equine lovers will be the first to tell you about the unique privilege they have of taking care of a horse. And for farmer Ben, the bond he shared with his favorite mare, Felicia, was truly remarkable.
Animal lovers are quick to tell you just what it is that makes their beloved animal so special, and we can only imagine what Ben would have to say about his beloved mare as he set off to find the perfect stallion to make her a mother.
Mother to Be
It would come as no surprise that Ben would feel immense joy and excitement when Felicia was expecting a foal. Little did he know that this journey into equine motherhood would take an unforeseen turn, leading to a situation so shocking that it would involve the intervention of the authorities.
What was supposed to be a joyous time quickly turned into a rather sinister and surprising experience that Ben himself wouldn’t have been able to predict even if he had tried. After all, his focus was on Felicia and her impending due date.
Something Is Amiss
As time drew closer for Felicia to give birth, Ben couldn’t help but feel that something was amiss. With the long wait for the birth fraught with much uncertainty, Ben turned to the professionals for help with his beloved mare.
Ben called a veterinarian, arranging for him to arrive on a motorcycle in order to skip the traffic. His attention was clearly on the distressed mare, Ben was eager to get the veterinarian to his home as quickly as possible.
The Vet Comes to Visit
A visit from the veterinarian, armed with his ultrasound machine, soon confirmed that Felicia’s pregnancy was anything but ordinary as what Ben and the vet witnessed on the screen left them shocked and wondering just what was happening inside the mare.
Finding something that shouldn’t have been there, the veterinarian had a legal obligation to make the heartbreaking decision to call the authorities, placing Ben under scrutiny for what had been discovered in Felicia’s belly along with her unborn foal.
Life has a funny way of taking the most unexpected turns. And, as you will see in this story, things are not always as they seem. This is the story of Ben and his beloved mare, Felicia – the horse that refused to give birth for a very unique reason. When the vet saw what was happening when he gave the horse an ultrasound, everyone was left shocked and the vet called the authorities. Find out what he found and why the horse refused to give birth as we explore this amazing tale.