A Man Claims He’s Visited Every Country Without Catching a Flight

In October 2013, Thor Pedersen, a 44-year-old man from Denmark, embarked on an extraordinary mission to become the first person to visit every country in the world without taking a single flight. Leaving behind his job in shipping and logistics, Pedersen dedicated himself to this audacious endeavor.

Visiting Every Country in the World

Visiting Every Country in the World

Thor Pedersen bid farewell to his supportive wife, Le Pedersen, with the couple being blissfully unaware that this ambitious quest would span an entire decade. Pedersen initiated his journey by departing from his home country and venturing into Germany. About a month ago, after traveling 223,072 miles, he triumphantly reached his final destination, the Maldives. Boarding a container ship, he navigated through the sun-drenched South Asian paradise, accomplishing his remarkable feat.

Originally envisioning the expedition to last only four years, Pedersen encountered unforeseen challenges and visa issues, spending an unexpected two years in Hong Kong. On average, he spent 17 days in each country, with the shortest visit being 24 hours in Vatican City. Throughout his extraordinary odyssey, Pedersen experienced a myriad of transportation modes. His longest stretch involved spending an astonishing 27 days aboard a container ship from Hong Kong to Australia.

Pedersen Didn’t Catch Flights

Pedersen Didn’t Catch Flights

Reflecting on his journey, Pedersen likened it to running a marathon or venturing to the moon, emphasizing that his aim was not merely tourism but rather an accomplishment of epic proportions. Pedersen reminisced about spending countless hours on buses and trains, with his longest bus ride clocking in at a staggering 54 hours in Brazil. Despite the challenges, he cherished the 27-day ship voyage, appreciating the tranquility it afforded him, allowing time for reading, exercise, and even whale sightings.

Pedersen’s unprecedented country travels showcased his resourcefulness and determination. He relied on an array of transportation methods, including 351 buses, 158 trains, 43 tuk-tuks, 37 container ships, 33 boats, nine trucks, three sailboats, two cruise ships, one horse carriage, one police car, and one yacht. Additionally, he availed himself of metros, minibusses, motorbikes, taxis, and trams whenever necessary. Fascinated by the prospect of being the first person in history to complete such a journey without flying, Pedersen strategically leveraged public transportation options, often seeking opportunities to board fishing boats or container ships.

Pedersen Didn’t Catch Flights

Financially, Pedersen’s ambitious expedition was made possible through sponsorship from an energy company and crowdfunding efforts. Remarkably, he adhered to a strict daily budget of just $20. Throughout the 10-year endeavor, Pedersen’s wife, Le, flew out to join him on 27 different occasions, bridging the physical distance that separated them. However, the toll on their relationship became increasingly palpable with each departure. Pedersen acknowledged the sacrifices his wife made, noting the emotional challenge of bidding her farewell at the airport repeatedly.

As Pedersen concluded his epic journey, he had no intention of returning to his previous career in shipping and logistics. Instead, he now plans to immortalize his extraordinary adventures through the written word, aiming to pen a book about his unparalleled expedition.