Five Ways to Truly Prevent Hair Loss That Anyone Can Try
Five Ways to Truly Prevent Hair Loss That Anyone Can Try
An increasing number of men are dealing with different stages of hair loss. While there are a ton of products and many expensive procedures to help you get your hair back, it’s important to take action while you still have it in the first place. Below are five crucial tips that experts recommend to help you proactively prevent hair loss. Check them out!
1. Don’t Wait. Start ASAP
When it comes to hair loss prevention, experts are unanimous — start as early as possible. The moment you start noticing your hair is shedding more than usual — whether you see more hairs on your comb or feel like your hairline is changing, it’s time to take action. Dr. Michele Green, an NYC dermatologist, says that seeking hair loss treatment in its early stages can really increase its efficacy and minimize the overall loss.
Five Ways to Truly Prevent Hair Loss That Anyone Can Try
2. Make a Plan and Stick to It
Now that you’ve noticed the first signs of hair loss, it’s time to consult with a board-certified dermatologist and explore all prevention and treatment options. Keep in mind that not all treatments are effective for each person, and some require a significant budget. Generally, there are four main options to consider:
Finasteride — it disrupts hair growth and helps increase the rest period of your hair.
Minoxidil — it works by strengthening and thickening your hair follicles.
PRP — it stands for “platelet-rich plasma,” which uses your blood’s platelets to stimulate hair growth.
Low-Level Laser Therapy — LLLT uses lasers to stimulate cellular growth in the scalp.
3. Consider Adding Supplements to the Diet
Five Ways to Truly Prevent Hair Loss That Anyone Can Try
If you already follow a nutrient-rich and balanced diet, you won’t have to add extra supplements to your everyday regime because you will naturally be supplying your body with the necessary vitamins and minerals. It’s important to add B complex, Zinc, collagen, saw palmetto, and ashwagandha to your diet to stimulate hair growth and strength. Consult with your dermatologist on the type of supplements necessary in your case.