Prepare for an animated adventure like never before as Peppa Pig, the beloved piglet, graces the big screen in Peppa’s Cinema Party. Scheduled for a theatrical release on February 9, this hour-long movie marks the celebration of Peppa’s 20th anniversary. With 10 new episodes from season 10, five catchy songs, and 11 interactive entertainment shorts, it promises an epic party for Peppa and her friends, if that’s your thing. If it isn’t, maybe it should be.
20 Years of Peppa Pig
Esra Cafer, Hasbro’s Senior Vice President of Franchise Strategy and Management for Preschool & Fashion, shared the excitement of celebrating the brand’s 20th anniversary.
Episodes will be seamlessly connected with never-before-seen interactive entertainment, allowing little ones to sing and play along with their favorite onscreen characters. Beyond the fun, these new episodes delve into essential themes such as friendship, confidence, kindness, thoughtfulness, and adventure.
Star-Studded Celebration in a Special Episode
Two familiar voices also appear—singer Katy Perry and actor Orlando Bloom. The celebrity couple joins the celebration in the three-part “Wedding Party Special,” with Perry lending her voice to Ms. Leopard and Bloom portraying Mr. Raccoon.
Unveiling the Global Phenomenon
Peppa Pig’s journey to the big screen is not new, and this return is fueled by popular demand. The British animated show’s global popularity is undeniable, reaching over 180 countries as of 2023. Dubbed The Peppa Effect, American kids have even adopted British accents after watching the show.
Underlining Peppa’s unique connection with children, Cafer emphasized that Peppa Pig serves as every kid’s best friend, fostering confidence and assisting them in navigating daily activities in numerous ways.
Cairo Is a City of Diversity That’s Certainly Worth a Visit
Passionate travelers often find themselves reading travel articles and know that capitals can be quite boring. Of course, there are always exceptions, and Cairo, Egypt, is one of them. It’s nothing like a skyscraper extravaganza or a show of bustling city traffic. In fact, Cairo is a multi-diverse cultural center that offers a massive package of sights to visitors.
Citadels, Palaces, and Places of Cultural Significance Are All Over Cairo
Roaming through Cairo is an adventure every day. The city can take a person back through several eras and is home to royal palaces, Egyptian markets, museums, and more. The Salah al-Din al-Ayyubi Citadel is one such place. It’s located in the old city of Cairo and sits on top of the Al Mukattam hills. It has a viewpoint over the whole city and was constructed by Sultan Salah al-Din al-Ayyubi. The citadel has huge walls and stands at one of the highest points of Cairo. Here, are several museums, including the Royal Vehicle Museum, the Police Museum, and the Military Museum.
Muhammad Ali Palace Is a Place Every Tourist in Cairo Should Visit
Muhammad Ali was a sultan for 43 years and contributed a lot to the state welfare during his time. Naturally, he has his own palace that’s rather extravagant and has a mix of multi-cultured styles. It’s composed of the Islamic style but mixed with the vibrancy of Persian and Mamluk features, with influences of Syrian, Andalusian, and Moroccan motives. It has a clock tower, throne hall, reception hall, hunting museum, and many other tourist attractions. The multiple styles are overwhelming and can transfer a visitor to a different world, where various cultures exist all at once.
Cairo offers many other locations to cultural enthusiasts and certainly brings a unique feeling to any bystander.